English - United States
Color palette
The Android Auto wordmark should always be monochrome black or white. The color palette below reflects the core colors that make up the overall Android brand. These colors may be used as complements or background in marketing material, but the Android Auto wordmark should not be adjusted from monochrome black or white.
Primary colors
Android White / Google Grey 00
- rgb 255, 255, 255
Android / Google Green 500
- Hex #34A853
- rgb 52, 168, 83
- pmsc 2257 C
Android / Google Black 900
- Hex #202124
- rgb 32, 33, 36
- pmsc 426 C
Accent colors
Android / Google Blue 500
- Hex #4285F4
- rgb 66, 133, 244
- pmsc 2173 C
Android Green Accent
- Hex #C6FF00
- rgb 198, 255, 83
- pmsc 389 C
Supporting colors
Android Light Green / Google Green 50
- Hex #E8F5E9
- rgb 198, 255, 83
- pmsc 9525 C
Android Light Grey / Google Grey 100
- Hex #F1F3F4
- rgb 241, 243, 244
Android Dark Grey / Google Grey 700
- Hex #5F6368
- rgb 95, 99, 104
- pms 424 C